Santander Bank Announces It Will Begin ‘Landmark’ Brickell Tower (Video)

Banco Santander says it is proceeding with plans to build a new 1.6 million square foot tower in Brickell.

A 14-story office tower is currently on the site. Demolition will begin shortly, according to the company.

The property has already been fenced off, according to Ryan RC Rea.

There are currently 650 Santander employees working from the old tower, who will be moved to temporary space during construction.

Miami Building Department records show a master demolition permit was issued in early July, and a plumbing permit attached to the demo permit was issued on September 4.

The new tower will rise 41 stories, or 765 feet, and is being designed by Handel Architects and Bernardi & Peschard Arquitectura.

Miami’s Urban Development Review Board voted in February to recommend approval of the design.

Santander will occupy part of the new tower, with the remainder occupied by third party tenants.



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9 days ago

this is one stunning building.

9 days ago

Love all of the outside spaces.

8 days ago

For sure.

That exoskeleton is amazing too. To have open office spaces unencumbered by hundreds of interior columns is real treat for the people “living” in their offices. Love the natural light, love that wall to wall and slab to slab glass that appears to be over 25ft high in some places.

This is spectacular.

9 days ago

Virgin vibes

9 days ago

Am I the only who feels that this building is just a little “too much”? There are so many distracting design elements fighting for attention that you don’t know where to look. It is really overdesigned. I sure hope their pare it down. It could be a truly striking building if they did.

9 days ago

Yeah the design is busy, disjointed, and a bit dated IMO

9 days ago

Almost all buildings simplify as reality sets in. Often that’s a source of disappointment to those of us excited by the images. In this case, I think you’re right, Wolfgang, that the current design has an over abundance of architectural elements. But that may mean that the finished building will be just right.

Bob art guy
9 days ago

I disagree

8 days ago

Like Morris Lapidus said, “Too much is never enough”.

Howard Roark
8 days ago

Lapidus was reacting to Mies Van Der Rohe’s quote of “Less is More” and agreeing with Philip Johnson’s “Less is a bore”

8 days ago

Who understands people! If the building is simple, they complain, if the building is too nice and futuristic, they also complain 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️ people will always find a reason to complain, that’s why l always say, do whatever you want to do and never listen to people

9 days ago

Cam Miami absorb three big office towers (Santander Tower, 848 Brickell, and One Brickell City Centre) at roughly the same time?

9 days ago

I have the same thought. Also, the new Citadel building. Traffic is going to hideous. How will these people get to work?

9 days ago

Exceptional question.
Some will walk, some will drive, some will take those electric cartoonish wheel thingies.

I even heard about a guy whose ole lady is going to drop him off on her way to work.

9 days ago

Carpooling and public transport are desperately needed in miami

9 days ago

I thought most people worked now at CapitalOne Cafe instead of WeWork…. lol.
Have you seen how busy that CapOne cafe is? ! CapOne Cafe is a TimesSq and WeWork next door is a ghost town.

9 days ago


9 days ago

Agreed. This is exactly why 1BCC isnt happening anytime soon.

9 days ago

Exactly…. Word on the street is that Related (*Steve Ross Related) has put the project on a temporary hold.

9 days ago

So many nice towers coming to Brickell like this one ,Una residences.888 Brickell,st Regis,1428 Brickell, Brickell city centre . The best part of the Miami skyline will be in Brickell

Mad Dash
9 days ago

Gorgeous tower. My second favorite project after OKAN

9 days ago

That red color is horrendous. Hope they change it.

9 days ago

Well, Red is the color of their brand. It’s their flagship HQ, and I could see the powers that be at Santander wanting the design to be “on brand”.

Sonny Crockett
9 days ago

If Santander has only 650 employees there, they probably only need about 50k sf, if that. They will have to pre-lease A LOT of space to third-parties before construction begins.

9 days ago

agreed, but if they actually move forward quickly that means they are either bringing in more employees to that location or they have a few tenants already lined up.

9 days ago

More like 120-150k sf using 200sf/person avg. Santander will need Amenity, meeting, Executive, training spaces + workspace for employees. Unless they are still using some sort of WFH model (which most Financial Institutions are going away from). They will still have a lot of Office space to lease – Wouldn’t be surprised if they have studied some sort of MXU Program (Retail Base, Office, Resi/Hotel). Their development partner is well versed in this type of project.

9 days ago

I heard they are bringing their North American headquarters to Miami when the tower is completed.

9 days ago

They do not HAVE to pre-lease at all.

Action! Roll the tape and show off!
9 days ago

All new builds should come with a preview video!

Bob art guy
9 days ago

Oh Boy. Finally getting an architecturally significant building. Unlike almost every other Miami grey box, Santander does not exploit every square inch of buildable space. They allow the building and the inhabitants to breathe with wide stepped terraces. The lower floors charm your eyes as well . Love the white exoskeleton. Thank you so much. I was afraid we. We’re going to get another eye soar like the “ Gallery” in West Brickell

9 days ago

Whhhy the Swiss cheese holes? All they needed to do was clean up the base, but they ruined it further. Alas, maybe the design will change between now and the existing building’s demolition and assuming the market doesn’t crash in the next couple of months.

9 days ago

Looks like a post-Wilma tower with missing windows. SAD!

9 days ago

That building is hideous and I hope the city blocks them from including the tacky signage on top

9 days ago

Fugly, busy, dated design. The sleek earlier proposal is far superior.

9 days ago


Bob art guy
9 days ago


Cover the Podiums
9 days ago

Beautiful tower ruined by the nasty cheap screening on the each side of the building

9 days ago


9 days ago

So many negative Architectural critics in here. Some will complain when designs are too boring, some will complain when they are too exciting. This is a beautiful building and if built as so will be very eye catching, reminiscent of something you would find in Singapore.

9 days ago


Make It Taller
9 days ago

Beautiful building, but too short – someone give it v!agra :/

Make Miami Tall Again
9 days ago

This looks some right out of San Francisco – with that being said, it’s a nice looking tower, just wish it was a little taller so it doesn’t fade into obscurity by surrounding buildings.

9 days ago

Better than that Citadel building. I just wish it was taller.

8 days ago

Looks better than the Citadel proposed building!

Anonymous ak
6 days ago

I love the podium design. looks clean

No glass no class
9 days ago

The view from the bay looks nice but it might get blocked because it’s pretty far in.

9 days ago

I think it’s a beautiful design. It’s funny how they shortened the four seasons tower to make it seem as if they will be the same height, which they won’t.

8 days ago

based on numbers provided, seems four seasons will only be 16′ taller, so almost the same especially from a distrance

9 days ago

I spy solar panels in the video on every level of the facade slab edges where “balconies would be”.

8 days ago

Should have more mixed use

Free Reek
9 days ago

I’m with that

Brickell Sucks
9 days ago

Brickell is the worst place in miami to live and work. Another building getting squeezed in.

Curious Cat
9 days ago

agree with live, work ehh

9 days ago

Agree 100%

9 days ago

Very insightful.
Where would you rank Medley or Goulds?

Brickell Fan Girl
9 days ago


8 days ago

Nice try

Bob art guy
9 days ago

This makes Brickell better

9 days ago

Not true unless you are in love with your automobile and need all that crap to survive.

9 days ago

My Brickell “commute” was walking from my condominium to my office.
And, while Love is a strong word, I really really really cared for my automobile.

Not that I NEEDed to date, or go to the theater, or the beach, or to very cool restaurants in tropical gardens or parks, but to me, that crap is fun, and running MetroMover tracks through botanical gardens is not cool, and my automobile can get around better than a horse/scooter/rollerblades.

8 days ago

It’s true. Brickell is lame. Few good restaurants and no good bars