Conceptual Plans Revealed For Supertall At Citadel’s 1201 Brickell Property

Conceptual plans have just been revealed for a new Brickell supertall.

Details of the multi-phase project were unveiled in a filing with county planners this morning.

1201 Brickell Bay Drive is proposed to rise 1,032 feet above sea level with 54 stories, and include:

  • 1,293,373 square feet of office area
  • 212 hotel rooms and accessory uses, including health spa, fitness club, ballroom, conference and event uses
  • Approximately 50 below-grade, on-site, executive parking spaces (additional parking will also be provided across the street)

Foster + Partners is listed on the filing as the design architect. AAI architects is the architect of record. Field Operations is the landscape architect.

The 1201 tower is the first phase.

Subsequent phases will include property at at 1221 Brickell Avenue/1250-1260 Brickell Bay Drive across the street. It may include office, food/beverage establishment, retail/personal service establishment, residential and parking uses, a representative of the developer wrote.

Citadel is the reported owner of the property.



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20 days ago

I’m not impressed with the design. They launched an international campaign to create a unique structure that would instantly be recognized as part of the Miami skyline. While it’s a nice building, it doesn’t meet the expectations I had.

20 days ago

It reads to me like a play on a lighthouse, marking Miami to the sea … sometimes clean lines and quality of materials and consideration of details make something timeless, so I’ll see how it plays out. But it isn’t unique in the way that a signature Dubai or Shanghai building is, I agree with you there.

20 days ago

Or the center section part of a citadel … it’s ok but won’t impress no matter the timeline. I prefer the design of the new JP morgan Office in NYC if we are going for more dramatic , also a Foster & Partners project .

20 days ago

It’s phenomenal and understated but most readers of this website can’t appreciate good architecture unless it looks like a zaha building.

20 days ago

what an arrogant comment, considering most readers of this website care about architecture (or why would they be here) you suggest you know what’s better than everyone else. “Phenomenal” is an opinion, not a fact.

20 days ago

…and so does the county in the form of RFPs, and we always get a Arquitectonica monstrosity VE’d to heck.

20 days ago

I think Griffin had to cheap out on the design because he gave too much to DeSantis’ presidential campaign. Ooops. 😂

20 days ago

I like how they drew this design with the palm trees & foliage, very Miami!

20 days ago

The Citadel tower proposed for Manhattan is elegant and much more interesting than this design.

20 days ago

It’s very clinical looking. Sterile. Intimidating. Still, it’s Citadel, and it’s great for them to set up home here. But still wish the building housing them was more inviting.

Ignatius J. Reilly
17 days ago

If you know, you know.

It is a Citadel.

“Intimidating” …..hmmmm…..Yeah…..

You think that citadels should be “inviting”?

16 days ago

^^^The building. It’s an office building.

Cover the Podiums
19 days ago

I agree. I was expecting an awesome timeless design. Art Deco but modern. Like a modern Empire Estate building for Miami. Instead we got a building with not set backs, no spire, little detail. Just meh

Ignatius J. Reilly
17 days ago

If you know…you know.

14 days ago

Ignorantius J. Reilly. So arrogant. We KNOW what it’s supposed to resemble. Names are symbolic. Architecture doesn’t have to be, as well. People will see this building, and work there, it SHOULD be inviting.

If you don’t know, you just don’t know.

14 days ago

Get over yourself Ignatius. Griffin isn’t building an actual citadel, but an office building. Someplace people will see everyday and work in. Of course it should be inviting.

But if you don’t know, you don’t know…huh?

21 days ago


21 days ago

I agree

20 days ago

The design (especially the crown) is kind of weird. It looks like a toilet plunge.

20 days ago

Yes, I think it’s supposed to evoke Griffin trying to save DeSantis’ presidential campaign as it was going down the toilet. 😝

20 days ago

at least he was not replaced by a woman with no merit and imposed by the Elite!!

19 days ago

Compared to someone who caters to the Elites just to line up his pockets and screw the American people…. Sure if you say so buddy

20 days ago

The view from the top floor of the hotel will be spectacular!

20 days ago

I believe that this could be one of the rare instances where the actual building comes out better than the rendering…

19 days ago

It’ll blend nicely with current and future towers under construction.

21 days ago

I personally like the fact that the hotel rooms are at the top! Overall this is going to be a stunning development and Miami is just moving in the right direction! I can’t wait to see this project break ground in the future!

20 days ago

I personally like the fact that you are man (or woman) enough to speak for yourself with your own opinion, and your own takes.

Even if I didn’t agree, it would be much more preferable to hear an individual with a contrary opinion than someone assuming that he speak for all the sheeple.

17 days ago

Where’s the pool?

Andy R.
20 days ago

THIS surely is not the ‘ICONIC’ design that we were told was going to be built….maybe that one is still coming!

20 days ago

Who is “we”?
Is there some kind of Confederacy that you speak on behalf?

20 days ago

The public

17 days ago

Had the same thought, that it could be a teaser, but why do it?

21 days ago

Very… Demure.

20 days ago

We want extravagant. Leave “demure” to Tiktok brainrots subordinate to their Chinese e-masters, who are facilitating Western defeatism.

20 days ago

A 1,000’ building with literal gold gargoyles is just to the north of this building – must every building be over the top? Simplicity is also beautiful you know

Bob art guy
20 days ago

Oh Boy! Finally a white and light toned building. Additionally it’s stunningly elegant in its design and proportions. Bravo!

Cover the podium
21 days ago

No parking podium. See, smart people like Ken Groffin know podiums ruin the aesthetic of a building lol

Big blocks
20 days ago

There’s another phase with a 1500 car garage, above ground.

20 days ago

@cover, nice job buddy, keep thinking you’re the reason the world is becoming better, shouting in to the night “cover the podiums”, LOL

20 days ago

Fact, business executives don’t take Metromoober and never will. Frankly, it would be more realistic to see a Tesla tunnel from here to Brightline and/or the airport.

20 days ago

There’s another lot with an enormous parking garage.

20 days ago

Ownership does have the luxury of owning acres and not just a small envelope. It rarely comes down to intellect.

20 days ago

Very elegant and beautiful. I love the crown up top, I’m sure there will be seasonal lighting displaying it at night. I really hope this gets built.

21 days ago

What’s up with the top hat?

Sonny Crockett
21 days ago

It looks ridiculous.

20 days ago


20 days ago

Please build the walkway along the water first. Long overdue.

20 days ago

First? Because common sense says, opening a public walkway in a construction site is smart.
How about they put in a covered and protected walkway around the job site first, and the Baywalk upon completion.

21 days ago

The streets in the area are no way ready for this. Major traffic upgrades are needed, including looking at making multiple streets one-way.

21 days ago

This is Miami! Not a single thought will be given to infrastructure.

20 days ago

Oohhh, but Queen Cava wants a Metromoober expansion to take like… two cars off the road!

less cars more people
21 days ago

The answer is not to add more capacity for cars. The streets are already too wide, and the sidewalks too narrow. More space needs to be provided for people walking and biking. Perhaps a light-rail line should be considered for Brickell Ave/Biscayne Blvd.

Miami is rare among CBDs around the world, with more and more cars.

20 days ago

You figure that there are more cars in Brickell thank in Manhattan?
Where do we find these people?

20 days ago

considering brickell is 1sq mile and manhattan is 21 sq miles, 31,000 residents vs 2.1 million. obviously there will be more cars overall, but the percentage of residents using a car to commute and people commuting from outside is much higher.

Unless you live within walking distance (which is short in miami heat) of the ONE metro line or the few metromover stations people are forced to drive, if you want to realistically build a dense business district that simply isn’t going to be sustainable.

20 days ago

Okay. You have stated the obvious in the first paragraph. Thanks for following along.

Second paragraph, specifically, “if you want to realistically build a dense business district” seems like you do not understand the Brickell Financial District is one of the most dense neighborhoods outside of Manhattan.
The Brickell Financial District has about 34,000 people living in a square mile….and plenty of workers and tourists added in that mix.

All of this success WITHOUT the extra taxpayer costs for government trains.
“If you want to build a dense business district”…. that train has already left the station.

20 days ago

Upgrading the trolley service to first-world standards would be the easiest and quickest solution. They’re basically air-conditioned street cars, but they aren’t currently reliable despite having very well laid-out routes. Double the number and have them running with 10 minute frequency. There’s already a tracking app. Nothing involving rail will get done in Brickell or Downtown in our lifetimes.

20 days ago

All we need are cross walks that flash up and talk in different languages, look at every town in Florida, they have more modern sidewalks and crosswalks

20 days ago

They are.
Everything will be alright.

20 days ago

Why would I take the word of a Canadian who believes there is so much development going on west of I95, when this is the majority of the stories we see on development and the majority of the units being created?

20 days ago

You really can’t image how those two things can be true at the same time?

The genius said, “all the new apartments” are east of I-95.
Of course that is not true.

There is development going on over S. Florida. The expensive apartments are going up in the expensive areas, the more affordable apartment are going up in the more affordable areas.

Because The Next Miami does send their news crews out to investigate the construction progress at Culmer Place, does not mean it isn’t happening.

17 days ago

There is virtually no development west of i95. You’re just from out of town

Cave Bat
17 days ago

You are obviously blind

21 days ago

Gorgeous. Great use of that prime lot.

21 days ago


21 days ago

I love it but if it were this designed but “twisted” I’d love it more!

Lynx at Miami Tower
21 days ago

Truncated Transamerica pyramid. Is it 17 feet short of 1049 to allow for helicopter?

CAD Monkey
20 days ago


20 days ago

air purifier

MIami kid
20 days ago

LA could use one… An air purifier.

21 days ago

I like it. The staircase by the water is very elegant.

20 days ago

All these supertalls announced and not one will have an observatory?!?

20 days ago

SkyRise will be our first observatory. Some developer will pick it up and finally build it!

No glass no class
20 days ago

While everyone is being reserved at first, this looks like an “it’s grown on me” design.

20 days ago

Everyone debating the design when it’s literally a citadel.

20 days ago

Citadels are usually squat, no?

20 days ago

Often, yes; however, this design appears to be overcompensating for a deficiency of some sort.

20 days ago

Love it or not, still a vast improvement compared to the previous mutant twin tower proposal.

20 days ago

And better than the parking lot that has been there for at least 25 years.

20 days ago

What happened everyone was here waiting for the iconic design …

20 days ago

Shampoo Bottle.

21 days ago

54 floors and not the full 1049 feet? A bit of a let down.

21 days ago

20 foot (or more) floor heights are way cooler than more floors using the same height

21 days ago

It doesn’t look tall

21 days ago

look at Jade next door, or even four seasons (almost 800 feet) in comparison

20 days ago

Beautiful ground floor. Love the lobby.

18 days ago

Only 54 stories in over 1,000 feet of height? That’s almost 20’ per story, extravagant even for retail. The lower stories as shown are tall, but most of the floors aren’t anything special. Something isn’t adding up about this proposal…

20 days ago

Curious to see how they are going to provide parking “Across the Street”. I’m imagining a huge parking structure. Office requires as much parking (actually more so), than a condo or rental tower.

20 days ago

A Miami version of Chicago’s own John Hancock Tower. Beautiful.

Nico Bellic
20 days ago

All I care about is whatever tf I can do on that “crown” in gta 6