Report: Downtown Miami To Aventura Rail Line Sees Cost Increases By 72%

The Northeast Corridor rail line planned between MiamiCentral and Aventura was originally estimated to cost $538M.

Now, the estimated cost has increased 72% to $927M, according to the SFBJ.

FDOT has agreed to increase funding for the project, the report said.

Originally, FDOT had committed $103.5m toward the project, (the remainder was to come from Miami-Dade and the federal government).

Miami-Dade sought an $236.47M in additional funding from FDOT following the cost increase. In response, FDOT said it will provide up to $200m in total funding, subject to legislative approval of the agency’s work program.

Miami Dade’s website currently lists the project cost at $682 million.

Earlier this year, the Biden Administration recommended the project receive $263.7 million in federal funding.

The 13.5 mile line is expected to be under construction by the end of next year, with a total of seven stations upon completion. An extension to Fort Lauderdale also being planned separately by Broward County.

Most county politicians now expect the service to be operated by Tri-Rail, the SFBJ report said.



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5 days ago

still worth the price. We wasted almost a billion on bridge

5 days ago

It’s 2024 and you STILL do not understand that 395 was dangerous and needed needed major repairs?

5 days ago

more is being done to 395 then just mere repairs

5 days ago

Of course. That’s my point.
It is a total realignment from I95 to the east. Double decking from I95 to the west.
Suspension bridges instead of dirt barricades from I95 to the east, and road and ramp modifications throughout.

The towers supporting the cables of the suspension bridge are a small part of the total project cost.

5 days ago

not saying the bridge didnt need fixing but a signature bridge that looks pretty probably added a couple 100 million to the cost

5 days ago

Given that most everything was approved anyway.
I think it was a great idea that Community Leaders and local gov’t advocates to remove all those dirt mounds, elevate the travelndeck to 50+ feet and suspend it.
This provides unimpeded pedestrian flow from Overtown to the museums, parks, waterfront, and Park West.
The “new area” where the piles ofndirt are now will become a public space.

That the supports are spider-looking instead or vertical tower looking did not add $100m.

The more you know…the more it makes sense.

the truth
3 days ago

Have you been on 395 in the last 3 years? What’s there now is much more dangerous than what was ever there before!

4 days ago

It includes new trains too.

5 days ago

Why no station at/near 79 Street?

79th St Citizens
4 days ago

It makes absolutely no sense to not have a station on 79th St. That is a huge artery into Miami Beach. The traffic along that causeway is getting worse and worse. If anyone reads this and has a connection to Buttigieg, Try to make him aware and have him intercede before the planning process is completely finished. I’m not sure he can do anything, but maybe he can try.

4 days ago

The track ROW is narrow there, and the large developer at 61st street scooped it.

4 days ago

The land they were looking at there was marshy so they were unable to build there.

4 days ago

The NIMBYs in El Portal and Miami Shores don’t want it and killed a proposal that would have put the station a little north of 79th Street. It’s absolutely ludicrous.

5 days ago

Miami Central and Aventura stations already exist.
So almost $1 billion to build 5 stations on existing tracks?
Somethin’ ain’t right.

5 days ago

Aventura will still have to be modified

5 days ago

They arent just building stations. They have to purchase the land where the statio is going to go. They have to build additional tracks for the station (like how its in Aventura right now, where the trains to stop at Aventura pull off on 2 new tracks while the 2 existing tracks arent near a platform so that express trains and Freight can run uninterrupted). They have to build new bridges across the Little River to accomodate the 2 new tracks at the Little River station as the train pulls off the mainline.

4 days ago

They also have to buy new trains. Maybe half of what Tri-Rail has today. Possibly 8 trains if they get DMUs or 8 locomotives and 24 railcars. That alone costs a lot of money.

Cover the Podiums
4 days ago

And don’t forget. At least a $500k gift for every commissioner and director which is quoted as “other misc expenses”

2 days ago

i know this is completely delusional but if they built a raised line above the freight tracks they could run uninterrupted and constantly

1 day ago

You mean like metrorail. That’s exactly what’s needed for the northeast corridor. Make it wide enough to accommodate brightline, trirail and metrorail trains and stops.

5 days ago

Still not as much as the signature bridge for an entire rail line – to put in perspective.

5 days ago

It’s not a new rail line. The tracks are already laid. They’re just building stations. And this isn’t even a rapid transit line… it’s a commuter rail line

5 days ago

Are there any renderings of the stations? They only need to be trirail like stations. Hard to believe building 5 of those would be almost a billion dollars

5 days ago

$400mil for some sheds going down the southern bus throughway, so only under politician math does $1billion for some tri-rail stations make sense.

5 days ago

It will be closer to 2.3 billion by the time it is done. Everyone milking the system.

5 days ago

We need a study to find out why it’s more now.

5 days ago

I’ve got a study for sale.
$10,000 and I’ll sell you details.

Here is the Abstract:
Government sucks at Transportation. Whatever a government buercrat says it will cost is wrong.

5 days ago

Not all governments are bad a transportation. China builds outstanding infrastructure in a fraction of the time it takes here in the US. They built 15,000 miles of high speed rail in a decade and are simultaneously dropping entire citywide metro systems into 20 major cities. Many of them have been completed in less than a decade. Of course life in China is seriously complicated in other ways. LOL

5 days ago

Bad comparison. China is a totalitarian government that can do whatever it wants, and owns our current government in power, hopefully not for long.

5 days ago

Point taken.
The Govt also builds lots and lots of houses in ghost towns, easily accessible by train.

3 days ago

Don’t give these guys any ideas….

Next thing is the chorus of “WE NEED a Metromover extension to China” in order to be a world class city.

5 days ago

yes , they ‘ll continue increasing costs and take an eternity to build some crappy train stations and call them ”iconic”

Yet Another Anonymous
5 days ago

50 million per mile for heavy rail or even non-elevated commuter rail in today’s money, and on the more urban corridor, isn’t that bad.

Big difference
5 days ago

Will it be electrified at least?

Cover the Podiums
5 days ago

$128 million per station? jeez. The track is already there, so these must be some fancy stations. Or we have very inefficient government

4 days ago

They have to buy new trains too. It’s not just stations and tracks.

5 days ago

This is miami. It will be some crappy, non functional stations, just a piece of garbage

Forever tower
5 days ago

Come on that’s never happened at the Miami intermodal center before ..

5 days ago

where is 79 street

2 days ago

They aren’t building a 79 ST station.

Expand the system
5 days ago

This should be rapid transit

Intermodal in a bad way
5 days ago

So is the spider bridge. So is almost every other big project in the west.

5 days ago

Re routing an interstate and converting from a freeway from on top of dirt barricades to a suspension bridge system and double decking a freeway cost money.
But the cargo trucks coming out of Floridas #1 cargo port need to travel in straight lines on bridges that do not fail.

5 days ago

I wonder why they didn’t do this while they were building the tunnel. It’s literally just nonstop road construction in Florida

5 days ago

The tunnel was a Public Private Partnership with different land owners and stakeholders.
I-395, 836, and I-95 are Federal.

4 days ago

The Interstates in Florida are managed by the State and 836 is controlled by MDX, a county body.

4 days ago

But they had to fix the actual 395 bridge over water when they were doing the tunnel. Hence why didn’t they just fix the entirety of the 395 at the same time

4 days ago

STATE ROAD 836 isn’t Federal

Transit man
5 days ago

Does this price include the cost of purchasing of new trains, cause if I remember correctly not all of tri rail’s trains can enter Miami central station which is why we have a shuttle

Wynwood waiter
5 days ago

They could start by creating a stop in Wynwood right now instead of waiting 3 years. The train goes by 10 times a day from Miami Central.

1 day ago

That’d be a complete waste. No one from downtown or brickell is going to wait and take a train to wynwood over driving or ubering. Remember this is a commuter train line. Commuter trains run once an hour or twice during rush hour.

4 days ago

Wouldn’t it be better to be a metrorail system like instead of a commuter rail? A faster and more continuous system makes more sense for connectivity, especially for design distric-wynwood areas.

1 day ago

The region needs both. We need a commuter line running up the fec tracks all the way to west palm and then a metrorail line which in Dade county with stops every mile or so.

5 days ago

Why is it at all surprising that gov’t is off by 72% ?
(It’ll be worse).

NYC’s transit budget is short $16 billion. Here are the proposed cuts, as the governor seeks funds

79th St Citizens
4 days ago

If anyone has an in with Pete Buttigieg, please try to email him and make him aware that bypassing 79th St. for a station on the commuter line is a huge mistake. 79th St. is a huge artery from I 95 to Miami Beach. Why they are refusing to put a station there Makes no sense. There’s plenty of land to build a station on. So that excuse absolutely doesn’t work. The traffic along 79th St. all the way into Miami Beach keeps getting worse. That commuter artery could really benefit from having a bus service to and from 79th St. where it would connect with a commuter line up to Aventura or downtown. Logically it would probably make more sense to have a station on 79th St. then almost any of the other stations, except for other beach arteries to I 95.

2 days ago

Who is in charge of making these decisions?

4 days ago

Some of this is simply the cost of dragging our feet to get this done!

5 days ago

B-but, they should still extend Metromover instead, so I don’t have to pay a fare to go to Aventura and buy a $3,000 Gucci bag!

4 days ago

The only thing you need is a straight jacket and to be monitored in a padded room. Even then you’d still find a way to cry incessantly about the Metromover, convincing nobody, and only further making a fool of yourself.

1 day ago

72% cost increase you say? Sounds like Bidenomics math, to me….

It will be 115% higher before all is said and done, IF it moves forward.

5 days ago

Thanks Commie-La.

4 days ago

Get it done

Park Slope
17 hours ago

what type of train will run on this line?