Photo: Nearly Completed Arch At Downtown Miami’s Signature Bridge

A photo shows a nearly completed arch at the Signature Bridge under construction in Downtown Miami.

The Florida Department of Transportation is spending $840m on a rebuild of the I-95 highway interchange, where it crosses I-395 and the 836 expressway.

As part of the project, six arches are being built as a design feature next to the overpasses passing through Miami’s urban core. FDOT is calling the highway overpasses and adjacent arches a “Signature Bridge.”

The arches will range in height from 180 feet to 330 feet above ground.


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1 month ago

Funny how in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s many people moved out of Miami because of the heavy Cuban Migration, into the City, known as the White Flight. Now after those hard working Cuban Americans, made Miami the City everybody wants to move to, they are all coming back. Dios, I need a Cafecito, and pastelito to reflect! On the irony. NANE IT THE “WELCOME BACK BRIDGE!!!

C’mon now
1 month ago

This looks beautiful and all but do we really need the attached highway? Eventually there will be so many cars that cars won’t even move. When are going to have a top-notch public transportation elevated subway system?

1 month ago

Imagine if this $840 million had instead been used for a metrorail expansion? Would have taken thousands of cars off the roads and made Miami for walkable thereby rendering this golden arches project meaningless.

1 month ago

Wow buddy….
You are really bad for business.

1 month ago

This money should have been used to expand the Metromover to Midtown, Wynwood, Little Havana, and Miami Beach from south Beach to North Beach through Washington Avenue.

1 month ago

MetroMOVER? No thanks, that’ll take like… ten cars off the road.

1 month ago

The Metro Mover is arguably the top transit system in the state, and possibly even the country, with a significant positive impact on Miami’s growth. It effectively reduces traffic congestion and contributes to the vibrant atmosphere of the city. Personally, the Metro Mover played a crucial role in my decision to move here. Despite having numerous waterfront property options in Florida, its presence made Miami my preferred home.

1 month ago

LOL “possibly even the country” … yes NYC subway, Chicago L are so 2nd tier in comparison.

1 month ago


Random Person
1 month ago

I mean, this is still an improvement over what’s currently there now.

Although, this would’ve been the perfect opportunity to attach the elusive baylink proposal alongside this so that one could finally get to Miami beach via metromover.

1 month ago

A glorified bridge for a glorified low-capacity, free electric shortbus because you’re too cheap to pay fares but will fork an arm and leg to get into the latest club. So typical…

1 month ago

These guys aren’t going to the latest club.
They want a free ride to a place where they can complain about $21 cocktails.

1 month ago

If you are combining blithering idiots into the same group as thoughtful adults, then yes, WE need it.

Thoughtful adults know about logistics and the fact that 18 Wheelers leave PortMiami to deliver food and necessities over the I395 bridge en route to I95.

1 month ago

I prefer the metro mover to the subway. It’s so much cleaner and fun to watch. people love riding it.

1 month ago

Is this going to be called the Signature Bridge or is it just a temporary name?

1 month ago

It’s something like the Overtown Greenway Overpass or something like that.

1 month ago

Ewww. There’s power in simplicity. Like Museum Park now being called a very long name… Miami needs to hire a marketing company.

1 month ago

Via Verde, thank me later

1 month ago

how about….Vista Verde…???

1 month ago

I don’t want the bridge to sound like the name of green salsa.

Anonymous Me
1 month ago

lol. Touché!

1 month ago

Nah let’s stick to an English name. Thank me later.

Ex-Londoner resident in 33132
1 month ago

Yes am sick of all the Spanish in this American city.

1 month ago

You picked the wrong place then, chap!

Howard Roark
1 month ago

Maurice Ferré Park, named after the modern day father of Miami who had an everlasting impact as he served 6 consecutive terms and did more for the City than any other polititian such as changed zoning in the Downtown corridor to embrace greater density as seen in Brickell and Omni, alter the focus of the DDA, brought new trade and pushed for banking regulations that beat Atlanta and Houston to attract foreign banks and investments and for the first time had the tax base from commercial vs tourism to become the newer and steadier revenue source for the city, changed the City’s hiring practice to include more minorities and women reflective of its demographics that resulted in the nations first consent decree, convinced the Feds to add the people mover into their rapid transit solutions for South Florida and became a transportation expert after he served as Mayor pushing for more transportation solutions, secured the NBA expansion with the Miami Heat, created Bayside…and more. Generic marketing of assets are common, but placemaking by celebrating heritage is more impactful. The Eiffel Tower in Paris was called the 300 meter tower for many years before it was named after its creator and the impact is priceless.

1 month ago

Best Mayor Miami ever had.

1 month ago

Puh-lease… Ferre presided over the city’s decline into the dark ages of the late 1970s to early 1980s.

1 month ago

Exactly! We need to go back to Museum Park and never refer to someone who gripped onto power for six terms as the “father of Miami.” Let history play out on its own and embrace the brighter future ahead.

1 month ago


1 month ago

I’m unsure if his vision truly benefited Miami, so I question the appropriateness of renaming a park after him. Additionally, isn’t Omni being demolished? Moreover, what kind of person holds power for six terms? If we haven’t already, we need to implement term limits. Furthermore, downtown deteriorated after his reign ended in 1985 and is only now beginning to revive. It appears that the Downtown Development Authority’s focus is misguided. I believe it should be redirected to include areas of increasing density, particularly along the Miami River, which is crucial to the city’s expansion and vibrant future. The scope should encompass all of downtown, as it currently only covers half of Brickell. I offer these suggestions not to criticize, but to provide constructive advice. Personally, I have no desire for a park to be named after me.

Good Citizen
1 month ago

The spider

30 days ago


It’s going to be named after Joe Carollo….

1 month ago

Nothing like a decade to rebuild 2 miles of bridge. Only in America!

1 month ago

China or UAE citizens may be laughing at this project and by the time this is completed, a new project to redesign this bridge to accommodate even more cars may be suggested. Miami Gov’t is not mentality open to efficient public transportation, not to mention that for sure there are politicians getting some pie$e of the pie.

1 month ago

I had my doubts about the necessity of this bridge/project BUT after seeing it under construction, I think it’s going to become an iconic landmark, something as recognizable as the Eiffel Tower or the Golden Gate Bridge, i.e., something we can be proud of.

1 month ago

The arches yes!! The highway not so much…

1 month ago

We have a huge arc in Dallas just past downtown going over a river. If you didn’t know that, or immediately think of Dallas, there’s your answer Napoleon.

1 month ago

HAHA Dallas is not and would never be as global as Miami.

1 month ago

I mean it looks cool but not even remotely on that level lmao

1 month ago

Is that the shortest arch?

1 month ago

2nd tallest

1 month ago

Looks like the tallest one on the shorter side.

1 month ago

Second shortest

1 month ago

third shortest second tallest

1 month ago

Looks like they cleverly used a car roof reflection to make it look like a bridge over water. Creative way to show an overpass above traffic! 😂

1 month ago

Shows how it will look when the roads flood in heavy rains.

1 month ago

I believe the improvements will decrease flooding in this particular area. We should also be enhancing the Miami River park space, such as expanding Marti Park beneath the towering river bridge, and incorporating new lush green areas and contemporary art and businesses in the area.

1 month ago

It would be cool if they dredged a canal here, and added some canals off the Miami River.

1 month ago

……sigh…..the schools here have truly failed

1 month ago

Ft. Lauderdale did it and Miami did it with Brickell Key. Have we stopped embracing innovation and instead adopted the measure of success as being accepting of the status quo?

1 month ago

nice, 5 years/arch, great job.

1 month ago

Beautiful bridge, but it would’ve been built in less than a year in China while here everybody’s trying to milk the cow

1 month ago

I’ll be interested in 100-300 years to see how much of this Chinese engineering holds up. Will it mimic their reputation for quality or that of the Romans?

1 month ago

This bridge looks better in person than in the renderings. Great cities have iconic bridges and this will be iconic. The problem is that is very expensive

1 month ago

This is an overpass because it goes over land. Why are people calling it a bridge? Let’s enhance the the Miami River bridges with iconic spaces and landmarks

1 month ago

It has been connected now for about a month or so. They put in a metal internal frame surrounded by wood for the final Lego piece.

1 month ago

One arch per decade, the Romans did better !

1 month ago

This is an iconic game changer.

Latin workers smh
1 month ago

someone explain how it could possibly take 1.5 years to complete one arch.

1 month ago

It was done in an active highway, one of the bussiest in the country. Only allowed to close the highway for construction at night and only if there was no ‘major event’ going on in Miami. Which means, during ultra, art bass, etc etc

Carlos Cobiella
1 month ago

It’s a waste of money and shows lack of imagination. I have seen so many bridges and highways “decorated” with arches. They are found all over the world. Unless it’s necessary due to structural needs. The need is not specific concerning the real purpose.

I will be famous and on tv
1 month ago

I am going to climb the arch soon

Almost famous
1 month ago

Better not. It wouldn’t cut it anyway. Even the viral russians from a few years ago are already fogotten.

Roman M
1 month ago

They could’ve expanded the metro rail to homestead and the metro mover but instead they are getting kick backs from this project Dade county mayor is totally corrupted did you know she doesn’t paid property taxes

1 month ago

As a Miami resident. We seriously need(ed) this rebuild. This intersection was a mess, we simply needed to fix it. The few extra lanes and better ramps that are finished have already helped the traffic in the area. Plus the park that is going below this project, I personally love it. We have to remember that 95% of containers that arrive/leave the port of Miami via a semi-truck have to pass this interesection. That is the main reason why the state cares too much about it. Miami residents MUST UNDERSTAND, public transportation would only happen when we have a public transit-friendly GOVERNOR. No City/County major or commissioner would achieve anything. This is a STATE issue, and a real public transportation project would only happen if the State wants it to happen.