Miami To Vote On Funding For Signature Bridge Underdeck

Miami commissioners are scheduled to vote on a funding agreement for the recreational space to be built under Downtown Miami’s Signature Bridge (previously known as The Underdeck).

The 33-acre space is expected to include an amphitheater, event lawn, community plaza, children’s play area, dog play area, multi-use court, and water feature, a resolution text states.

FDOT will plan, design, and construct the space, according to the resolution.

The vote would authorize the city manager to negotiate an agreement where the city would fund an amount of up to $10.8 million.

The state would contribute $11.5 million, while a federal grant would add $60.4m (the previously announced grant is the largest such award in city history).

That would bring total funding to $82.7m.

City of Miami commissioners are scheduled to vote on the agreement on December 12.

Completion of the Signature Bridge is scheduled for late 2027.


Rendering shown in a 2022 presentation:

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6 days ago

Keep Joe Carollo away from it!

6 days ago

Yes please – he’s going to throw some cheap home-depot workout equipment in some random spot

6 days ago


Johnny Blitz
5 days ago

The guy should be in prison but somehow he’s still allowed to keep his job. Only in this town.

Cover the Podiums
5 days ago

makes no sense. He doesn’t even have to pay back what he was found guilty of.

5 days ago


6 days ago

Fantastic. Going to be great to have another large park in this same area.

6 days ago

While the rendering looks great and everything, who in reality will want to go to a park that’s underneath a highway with noise and fumes?

6 days ago

Just spend 3 seconds googling “under highway park” and you can learn from the many, many examples already in existence all over the world 🙂

6 days ago

Do these world example people have access to great beaches and Bayfront park like we do? Maybe they have few other options. Life is more than a google search and a Sim City game.

Bobby Hackney
3 days ago

Yes, sometimes common sense will have to come into play.
There is absolutely no doubt that thousands will use the park each at every day. There are 33 acres to chose from, and if only to have a safe passage from Overtown to the waterfront it is totally worth it.

6 days ago

Most of those images look dystopian and the park will most likely be used by homeless, not yuppies doing yoga while kids run around with balloons.

6 days ago

Is your point of view that it would be better off as pavement?

Cover the Podiums
5 days ago

Any other world class city (regardless on what their flood risk or water table concern is) would have figured out a way to move parts of it below ground. Not a tunnel, just recessed with the park on top. Look at amsterdam, paris, chicago, seattle, etc

Cover the Podiums
5 days ago

the answer is nobody. The renderings are not accurate, I’ve been saying that for years. The bridge will be 12 lanes wide so almost no natural light will come through. I really hope Im wrong, but it sounds like they are selling us a dream

Bobby Hackney
3 days ago

You are definitely wrong.

Because it is a suspension bridge, there can be less columns, and the deck will be elevated to a height over 45ft. and that elevation coupled with the fact that there will far fewer columns mean a lot of open spaces, and not piles of dirt supporting the freeway deck.

For a guy who whines and complains about the “street interaction” with 45 ft parking podiums, seems like an open space spanning 3 miles from Overtown to the waterfront would be an obvious and welcome addition to the community.

If you would like to know what you are talking about, there is a December 11th Stakeholder meeting, details are on the project website posted above.

Sam K
2 days ago

Watching that video by the architects, it shows the the “12 lanes” wide has spaces in between lanes and a very high clearance underneath. Lots of light, and some nice shading from high above.

That will be so much better than the 20ft clearance now with all the asphalt parking underneath and those horrible berms of dirt and trash that extend for 3 miles.

5 days ago

Nobody will. This is just a pass thru project for the contractor buddies of politicians.

6 days ago

I thought this was considered part of the whole bridge project. It was actually my favorite aspect of it.
And I suspect it will not be done and if it does, it will be half of what it was originally intended.

6 days ago

Did you miss the part where theres $82 Mill in funding?

5 days ago

What he’s saying is that was supposed to be part of the package in this whole project which is what I thought as well. At least that’s the way it was sold to the public. Now it’s another story. smh

Bobby Hackney
3 days ago

There is no one who knows a lot about this project would want the community space “to be a part of the whole package”.

The FDOT design was horrible.
Do you want people who are experts in curbs and gutters and exit ramps designing the community band shell?

It is best to let FDOT and the highway builders build highways.

It is best to let landscape architects and planners design, build, and manage the foliage, plantings, drainage, water features, sporting spaces, etc.

Business and community leaders who know, took it upon themselves use the best practices from the High line, Underline, and parks all around the world to design, build, program, and manage a community space that will be a VERY important piece of the downtown fabric.

Now, the City is stepping in to take a much larger role.

If you love Museum Park and it’s earth shattering programing, you are going to love what the City will do to this space.

If you love projects like the Highline in NYC or the Underline in Miami, you would love the organization and path forward presented by the Friends of the Underdeck.

Bobby Hackney
3 days ago

Orginally, FDOT was going to be in charge of the public space below the freeway.

Concerned private citizens and business leaders mobilized years ago to make sure that highway engineers did not get into the community space and parks business.
The Friends of the Underdeck hired some of the best architects and consultants with money raised from business, and Knight Foundation Grants and held over 129 working group meetings to get community input.

It should be obvious from looking at the original plans, that FDOT should not be designing parks, community spaces, or pedestrian bridges. Once built, FDOT has little concern about the sustainability or longevity of the community space, nor would they have a hand in long-term operations, management, or programing.

The City of Miami has stepped in and whether they are going to implement the ideas and best practices that in the Preferrred Plan presented by the Friends of the Underdeck remains to be seen.

6 days ago

Hoping they have a bike path for this

Bobby Hackney
3 days ago

There is, along with a pedestrian/bike bridge that crosses over top the FEC Railroad tracks.

6 days ago

What a fantastic idea. Can’t wait for it to be competed!

6 days ago

But will it have a 15′ concrete path? Apparently, that’s a manufactured controversy by some city-hall gadfly

6 days ago

For that amount of money, I hope they use real grass instead of that fake carpet grass for the dogs and homeless urinating on it smelling real bad

6 days ago

Are they going to vote on a better namesake than an Overtown poverty pimp “community organizer” (considered this is east of Overtown anyway)?

Concerned Citizen Bob
6 days ago

How will they be handling the homeless situation here? I think they would need FLIR cameras installed to detect homeless at night so they can be re-located.

6 days ago

The same way every city deals with homeless in their parks?

Sam K
2 days ago

Even better.
Miami has a homeless population under 1,000. It is the lowest per capita of any major city in the US because leaders took it upon themselves to move Camilus House to where homeless people can have access to better mental health care in the Health District.

Miami treats the homeless people MUCH better than any other city.

2 days ago

Idk I thought everyone’s favorite governor got a law passed making it illegal to be homeless

6 days ago

Pretty sure we will end up with a $10 million dollar watered down park with a few sidewalks and benches… It will take 5 years to complete after 3 years of studies and 2 years because they found a few prehistoric seashells.

Teresa Fawell
5 days ago

The Underline and The Commodore Trail provide examples on how to do it correctly.

6 days ago

Love the name UNDERDECK so much better than a plain signature bridge..

Sam K
2 days ago

The HEART of Miami.
Historic Entertainment Arts Recreational Trail, was the leading vote getter of the many options created from the numerous studies presented by the marketing firm.

Then, the City politicians got involved…