FDOT Planning Street Realignment In Front Of Brickell City Centre

Plans are underway for a project that will see a street realignment and a new crosswalk in front of Brickell City Centre.

The area is among the busiest for both pedestrians and vehicles in Miami.

The street planned for realignment is the north leg of South Miami Avenue.

It runs between an existing Brickell City Centre block, and the former Tobacco Road property, where a future phase of Brickell City Centre has been in planning.

A new crosswalk is also planned at the corner of South Miami Avenue and SW 7th Street (there are currently only three crosswalks at the intersection).

At SW 1st Court, the intersection will be fully signalized, with new bulb-outs to prevent cars from blocking traffic and another new crosswalk added.

Other area improvements will include new signage, speed feedback signs, upgraded lighting and stormwater systems, rebuilt sidewalks, and a Brickell Avenue pedestrian refuge.

Construction is expected to begin in March 2026, with an estimated cost of $42,626.82.

To see the plans, click here and scroll down (PDF).


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5 days ago

Are they going to enlarge those tiny one-person sidewalks?

Just Do It
5 days ago

They should look at Worldcenter and learn from it.

5 days ago

Not sure what you mean. Are the sidewalks at worldcenter better? I know there are some internal walkways that aren’t on streets, but the streets with sidewalks seem unimpressive so far.

Obviously yes
5 days ago

Are the 25 foot-wide paver sidewalks with fountains, planted bike lanes, greenery, public art and mature trees better? LOL

5 days ago

The street sidewalks are 4 times the size of Brickell’s. I think that’s very impressive actually.

4 days ago

This isn’t in world center which isn’t done and empty. We actually need crosswalks around Brickell yesterday.

5 days ago

Sidewalks in Brickell are largest in Miami. We need more crosswalks though!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 days ago

Exactly, check out all the mistakes in world center and learn from it when developing new areas in Brickell

5 days ago

They need to also make roads smaller. I bike there often and the bike lane has always cars parked on it, including the police cars🙄

5 days ago

It’s because biking there is stupid. Who would want to bike around office towers and a shopping plaza? If biking’s such a big deal to you then there’s plenty of suburban areas with nice bike paths along woods and waterways to choose from.

5 days ago

Some people might actually use bikes as transportation, not just ride for leisure.

5 days ago

yeah 4-5 DUI offenders who lost their licenses pedaling to their fast food jobs

5 days ago

Many NY’ers don’t have a driver license and bike around or use the Metromover. Fit and healthy people also choose to bike around and not use cars. Environment conscious people might prefer biking instead of driving. Tourists love using bikes to explore the city and move around. Overall, big cities should be focused more on walkability and bikeability not cars.

5 days ago

People over 15 years of age?
I don’t believe you…

4 days ago

Tito prefers to take rafts long distances, and only bikes for delivery orders

Lance Armstrong
5 days ago

Thank you for stating this. Miami is not nor ever will be safe for bicyclists. You have the worst drivers in the country here, speeding on I-95 and all other roads and streets while live streaming on TikTok. The bicyclists are no better. They invite accidents. Want to ride a bike here? Get a Peloton.

5 days ago

I bike around every day and it’s pretty safe but I agree, it could be safer if we had proper and protected bike lanes. Eventually, we will get them as, with the increase of people moving in, we will have too many cars on the road and people will be forced to walk, bike, or use public transportation.

4 days ago

People will stop moving in if they can no longer drive to work. As for New Yaawk, yeah that’s one big reason why they’re losing population. Nobody making over $15/hr fulltime wants to bike to work.

4 days ago

That’s not why they are leaving NY – don’t be dumb! They are leaving because they have to take a bus two hours AND bike another 15 minutes – in Miami they just need to bike 15 minutes because our rents are so damn cheap compared to every other city.

4 days ago

Bikes have nothing to do in suburban areas, where people drive to the next door neighbor, did you just wake up in a first world country for the first time?

People bike mostly in city areas like Brickell in the modern era.

4 days ago

People bike alone 3rd Avenue and all the yuppies are moving to East little Havana – build the bike lanes

5 days ago

Wow….you must be one very large person Liz.

narrow the streets
5 days ago

Wake me up when there’s a road diet! In Brickell, too much priority is given to cars, not enough to pedestrians in this urban environment.

5 days ago

In an area where every single building has a 10-story parking garage at the base priority will never be given to pedestrians.

5 days ago

But, I admire cities like NYC and HK that time the lights so they sequence to move cars in a flow pattern. When was the last time you drove down S Dixie Highway in a flow without red light to the next red light to the next ….. ?

H. Wilma
5 days ago

That only works one way at a time. Eg when its rush hour inbound or outbound. On a road busy both ways they can’t both be timed for all greens.

4 days ago

I admire cities that install bike lanes not this feckless foreign piggy bank Mayor

2 days ago

The do this with the lights in Pahokee, and all over broward and Palm beach, Miami city government and fdot have some serious communication issues and lack of vision overall.

Cover the podiums
5 days ago

Yep. They have a two entries for cars plus a dock. 50% of their street frontage is driveways. And above it is 100ft artistic garage screening. A city for cars not humans.

4 days ago

You are unaware of how the parking, residential, hotel, and retail in Brickell City Center work.

To believe that 50% of the street frontage is driveways is simply not true. You should visit sometime.

On the block of S Miami between S 7th St and S 8th St:
0% Driveways on the East 260 ft. Not 50%
0% Driveways on the West 260 ft. Not 50%.

On the far east side, there are:
0% Driveways, only a park, promenade, and a MetroMover Station above that connects directly to restaurants and shopping.

On the block of SW 8th St between SW 1st Ave and Miami Avenue.
15% Driveways. As in, 75ft out of the 500 linear feet. (Saks Fifth Av. & Lucid side) Not 50%.

On the block of SW 8th St between Miami Avenue and the MetroMover
27% Driveways. As in, 90ft out of the 333 linear feet.

On the block of SW 7th St between SW 1st Ave.
15% Driveways. As in, 75ft out of the 500 linear feet for Condo entry
8% Driveways As in, 40ft out of the 500 linear feet. Office entry
15% As in, 75ft out of the 500 linear feet
Sill not 50%

The 2 blocks between the Metromover tracks and S Miami Avenue, it’s about the same as above.
+/- 33% on SW 6th Street 110 ft out of 333 linear ft.
+/- 33% on SW 7th Street 110 ft out of 333 linear ft.

This is VERY impressive for so much Office, Condo, Hotel, and Retail on less than 9 acres.

4 days ago

This may have been lost on you, but Brickell City Center (the intersection that is topic here), has over 5 acres of parking underground, with connections spanning underneath S Miami Avenue, and under SE 7th Street. There are no “10-story parking garages”.

Not only are the sidewalks wide, the sidewalks blend into the Brickell City Center promenades with water features, art installations, and 3+ levels of retail and restaurants.

use yr head
5 days ago

So, make traffic even worse, and on purpose. Son this ain’t your urban planning class over at the community college, this is real world. People need to get places, not just walk around window shopping.

5 days ago

Then use I-95 to drive. Don’t use a major pedestrian shopping area. That is the whole point! It is a busy pedestrian area.

5 days ago

There are thousands of vehicles in that immediate area. This comment is idiotic. Do you want them to teleport to i95??

3 days ago

It’s a few blocks to i95, sorry about the miles of traffic leading to Miami not saving the few blocks to i95 from the bay, 2 minutes on their commute.

5 days ago

Are the office buildings right alongside I95 ? 🤡 It’s not just a major pedestrian shopping area lol

5 days ago

It’s not along side i95, it’s the primary destination at the end of the entire eastern coast freeway for the entire state in the heart of Miami

5 days ago

^^gee, really? Thanks for the clarification, A. Einstein.

5 days ago

Use I-95 for your walk. There are also corp offices in the area and they need car access for their clients, workers, and for deliveries.

5 days ago

You promise? Will you really go to sleep until that happens?

If the sidewalks are honestly only one person wide, please sleep in the bike lanes, I don’t want my grocery delivery delayed.

5 days ago

stay asleep, it’s an area of corp offices that needs cars and delivery vans to get through

4 days ago

It’s an area where 200k salaries don’t give a shit about your deliveries and want to walk to work on landscaped roadways with bike lanes, figure out how to make it work

5 days ago

what a stupid idea…narrow the streets, to make rush hour traffic even WORSE

Honk honk
5 days ago

Traffic has nothing to do with this area. It’s an internal pedestrian zone, drove around it bozo

5 days ago

^^It says right in the article realignment of South Miami Avenue, traffic has everything to do with this ftard

4 days ago

South Miami Ave ends at Brickell, everything south of Brickell is suburban fart fest with bougie chihuahuas and peacocks no body gives a flying F about traffic south of Brickell because it’s internal roads for mansions,

3 days ago

S. Miami Ave changes around Viscaya, about 6 blocks south of the Rickenbacker Causeway.
Many of the Brickell cyclists use this Rickenbacker Causeway to the Lighthouse, or south to Black Point Marina for the weekend rides.

2 days ago

Maybe if Brickell wasn’t one avenues wide, in some people’s head, we wouldn’t be all crammed on one avenue, Miami is big enough for 6 avenues at least!

5 days ago

They need to redesign the on and off ramps to I-95, where the disjointed one-way and two-way roads seem to be in perpetual conflict. A new design should focus on improving traffic flow and prioritizing pedestrian safety. Additionally, bike lanes should be added to all our bridges. Focusing on a single crosswalk is a step in the right direction, but it’s almost laughable in the broader context. Let’s aim higher!

5 days ago

Maybe all pedestrians are not created equally. I’ve been a pedestrian for the overwhelming majority of my life.

My skills must be upper echelon compared to some of you. Perhaps, I just have superhuman skills, because I have NEVER had any problems walking on sidewalks, or crossing streets.

I don’t need so much attention and prioritization.

With all the sympathy to the less than pedestrian pedestrians, congratulations! Hope that you will stop complaining once this newsworthy “infrastructure project” is completed.

4 days ago

Jesse sounds like all the other garbage that floated into this beautiful city, an expert at none, and a free loader.

3 days ago

Is that how you interpreted that?

Is it because he or she is a good walker that means that they cannot be from Miami?
There a thousands of people walking around Brickell that seem to be able to handle it well. Many of them have to be locals.

3 days ago

Local walkers aren’t the issue—they’re part of the solution. The real problem lies in road regulators prioritizing drivers over pedestrians, without modernizing infrastructure or addressing pedestrian right-of-way. This local and state level joint negligence leads to more collisions, traffic congestion, and delays.

5 days ago

The roads should be narrowed and the sidewalks majorly widened. You can fit at most 2 people across on those tiny sidewalks in one of the busiest areas for pedestrians in Miami

5 days ago

I thought Miamians were slimmer? Unless they’ve got a BBL or a Cuban unc

5 days ago

Also, low eye-q individuals standing on a busy sidewalk to take a selfie or do a TikTok.

5 days ago

We call the latter beached whales.

5 days ago


5 days ago

About dang time FDOT? This should be every block in Brickell, not just one 1️⃣ stop sending money to fund genocides and have nothing to do with us, and build cross walks.

5 days ago

FDOT funds genocides 👌😂😂😂😂

5 days ago

This is news?

The project costs less than a suit from Suit Supply and a day at Putt Shack.

4 days ago

Ground floors of buildings should have greater setbacks, that way sidewalks and planting strips can be wider.

3 days ago

I love all the great plan for the city that are consistently brought in and I think most are great addition to our beautiful Miami. But one thing I will never understand is WHY every single project, even the smaller one takes forever either to be approved or to be completed. This project is scheduled to start in March 2026. Ugh, I love Miami but it needs to get rid of its extremely developed bureaucracy. Miami is growing to a world class city but so is its bureaucratic departments, all of them from zoning to building and everything in between. With all respect.

Chairman R. Arminius
4 days ago

What Miami also needs is general beautification of outdated looking infrastructure (e.g. replacing some ugly monuments on Biscayne Park with more neo-classical elements or build a elegant Arch etc.)

Also, replace old highway lights, replace highway guardrails with new ones, especially the ones directly around Brickell/downtown. Miami’s infrastructure seems outdated compared to Toronto or Dubai for example.

Miami will also embrace sophistication and elegance, including monumental architecture and more public spaces. This includes complete demolition & rebuilding of the old downtown (such as the malls built in the 60s/70s) in the long-term.

An exception would be in place for historical/protected buildings. We are considering launching an initiative called Novum which is still preliminary.

Chairman R. Arminius

Your Neighborhood Appraiser
2 days ago

From the plans, it seems they realigning the lanes that pass in front of Black Bird. That transition is not coordinated very well.

1 day ago

It is the most Miami place, chaotic,.

Cover the Podiums
5 days ago

They are going to combine those small lots to allow for larger developments? Im sure that’s part of the project

5 days ago

Will it be better than the ridiculous move to dis-align 1st Avenue in the Historic Core to build an “supertower” a.k.a. cereal box with a bigger parking podium?

2 days ago

1st Avenue doesn’t even have a bridge, focus on improving 2nd Avenue for pedestrians and make 1st Ave pedestrian only local zone

Cover the Podiums
5 days ago

We need elevated sidewalks like Las Vegas

5 days ago

Clearly your expertise is limited to podiums.

5 days ago

Right, like we need more Metromoober that takes few cars of the streets, and ruins then with flyovers.

Cover the podiums
5 days ago

We have an imposter. I strongly oppose elevated sidewalks!

Cover the Podiums
4 days ago

He’s the imposter

4 days ago

Yes we do, elevated crosswalks at minimum because of all the international drives who don’t understand American road systems, throughout the core!