Developer Of 90-Story Brickell Supertall Pledges $1.5M Towards Transportation

The developer planning a 90-story Dolce&Gabbana supertall condo hotel has signed an agreement that will provide transit and transportation upgrades in Brickell.

The Dolce&Gabbana tower is currently going through Miami-Dade’s review process under the Rapid Transit zoning plan. Approval of developments in the zone may be conditioned on public benefits.

A Declaration of Restrictions was recorded with the county on August 13, laying out the public benefits contribution.

Here’s a portion of what the new agreement states:

Prior to issuance of the building permit for development of the Property in accordance with the Application, Owner shall provide the County a onetime payment of one million and five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000) for a new traffic signal at South Miami Avenue and SW 10 Street, repairs and upgrades to the Tenth Street Metromover Station and vicinity, including mechanical systems, restrooms, painting, signage, accessibility features, streetscape improvements, and/or wayfinding support (“Transit Station Contribution”). The Transit Station Contribution shall be made in addition to any permitting and/or impact fees due to the County in relation to the application or the development of the Property. ln the event, however, that the Director determines in writing that any or all of the Transit Station Contribution would be duplicative of impact fees, the Owner may be entitled to an offset to the Transit Station Contribution commensurate with the value of duplicative impact fees paid.


Michael Stern signed the agreement on behalf of the developing entity.




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29 days ago

We need to extend the Metromover already, this was needed yesterday

29 days ago

There is no extension – this isn’t New York. The developer is adding a stop light.

29 days ago

New York has real transit, not some 1970s APM designed to make tire companies rich.

29 days ago

To where, Disneyland? It’s not a long-distance system, and that’s why we have Metrorail.

29 days ago

I’ll save you some time – it’s a stoplight and some signage.

29 days ago

Don’t forget the restrooms.
Perhaps the frequent flyers of the Government trains will use those restrooms instead of the elevators.

29 days ago

What’s actually needed, and would be of great immediate benefit, is an upgrade of the trolley system. Trolleys basically function like streetcars and have the benefit of being very flexible and upgradable without new infrastructure. The routes are actually very well laid out. Download the Trolley app and see for yourselves. What doesn’t work well is that the frequency and the tracking app connectivity to the vehicles are inadequate. Getting the trolleys to run dependably every ten minutes or so would make them a legitimate commuting option. This is something that could be done for relatively minor cost (in the context of urban transit projects) and very quickly.

27 days ago

I used to use the Allapattah Trolley to get from MDC to Omni. It came relatively frequently

29 days ago

The installation and operation of a traffic light is NOT transportation.

29 days ago

One and a half million is a mere pittance to a major real estate developer. And then if it duplicates the impact fees, it is removed. So they may end up not contributing anything. Seems lame.

Miami Mike
28 days ago


Miami Mike
28 days ago

This should be a mandate. Period.
All Developers should be upgrading the surrounding infrastructure. More people equal more waste, more traffic, more of everything. Other cities do this, why not Miami?!

Lucky Duck
28 days ago

Miami and all South Florida cities do it for new project. When you submit for Permit you have to pay impact fees.

27 days ago

More people also equal more taxes. Brickell has brought new millions of dollars in property taxes vs. 10 years ago, yet, you don’t see any big improvements in terms of public spaces or transportation (and don’t come and brag about the Underline which is lame for the cost). What has happened to all that money?

Cover the podiums
29 days ago

The bare podium ruins this beautiful tower

29 days ago

Looks like it’s covered to me

28 days ago

podiums are evil – said the clown
We get it you have a problem with podiums, grow up

Anonymous Hippo
28 days ago

What are you going to do with $1.5M. That’s chump change.

Jorge Peres
29 days ago

Why does the developer have to pay for infrastructure when this project will generate hundreds of millions of dollars in new property taxes for the city and county?! Where is all of the tax money going?!

29 days ago

Goverments always waste money. That’s the main reason why the public should never vote for a tax increase.

Miami Mike
28 days ago

True. Government money is fake money. It simply vanishes into a sad weak system.

29 days ago

it would be years before the city sees that tax money, the 1.5M is paid upfront.

29 days ago

Madame Cava’s new boat.

Miami Mike
28 days ago

You are making zero sense.

29 days ago

Hardly enough the replace p**s-stained carpet in Metromoober beercans.

23 days ago

Metromover cars don’t have carpet flooring. Show me on the doll where the bad train hurt you.