Renderings: Public Park Proposed On Watson Island In Exchange For Condos

A new website has been created showing conceptual images of a park on Watson Island (to see all 16 images, click here).

Developers Terra and ESJ Capital, the owner of Jungle Island want to develop hundreds of condos on the north side of the island.

In exchange, they would buy or lease the Jungle Island property, cancel the theme park and hotel lease, build a 13-acre park, and contribute $15m towards affordable housing, infrastructure, and public benefits.

A Biscayne Bay boardwalk is shown as part of plans for the park. An under-bridge activator is also shown, to connect to another planned development at Island Gardens, on the island’s south side.

A City of Miami referendum is scheduled for November 4, with the following question:

Shall Miami’s Charter be amended authorizing sale and/or lease of 5.4 acres on Watson Island based upon fair market value of $135,000,000 to Ecoresiliency Miami LLC for residential and commercial uses pursuant to applicable zoning, waiving bidding, and requiring:

  • Returning 13 acres to City to construct new public waterfront park at no cost to City;
  • Cancelling existing theme park and hotel lease; and
  • Contributing $15,000,000 for affordable housing, infrastructure, and other public benefits?


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Taxed Out
13 hours ago

I don’t hate it. But I usually hate the idea of using prime public real estate for private uses (see Melreese)

Elementary Dear Watson
10 hours ago

Or Soundscape. The state of the art New World Symphony public park where all generations go to enjoy concerts broadcast on the wall what used to be a surface parking lot.

Or Smith & Wollensky’s in South Point Park.

I usually hate when Government does something that they have never succeeded in doing.

13 hours ago

Complete BS, they will never delivery appropriately. We need to stop selling public land, lease at MOST. Every time we enter one of these deals the developer always under delivers. Still waiting for that park next to Kaseya center.

Elementary Dear Watson
10 hours ago

Terra did exceptional work with 87 Park condo tower where they invested about $11m into that North Beach park.

Terra also did exceptional work with Canopy Park was designed by ArqGeo & West 8. It is a 3 Acre public park that also collects and filters an extrodinary about of rainwater. People who know South Beach know that West Avenue at 7th Street WAS one of the most photographed parts of South Beach whenever their was a heavy downpour.

I’d put my money on Terra and David Martin to do something special AND especially considerate to the community.

12 hours ago

This island should be a public park, all of it!

12 hours ago

It could almost be the Miami Central Park equivalent people talk about. Southside Park is not even close to covering it.

8 hours ago

Um, and what about Bayfront and Museum Parks?

7 hours ago

As if it didn’t exist…lol

12 hours ago

Theres such a housing shortage…this is an enormous amount of land….

12 hours ago

There is no housing shortage in Miami, plenty of housing all over the city and plenty of empty lots to be built on. This should be a park.

11 hours ago

It is going to be a park….did you not look at the proposal? The park is HUGE

11 hours ago

The park is a tiny token for building a huge high-rise. Read between the lines, don’t fall in developer’s trap.

Pricylla mi nilla
6 hours ago

Don’t be emotional Dan.
What is it now. Today.
It is land controlled by a developer with every right to open a Theme Park and a Hotel.
NOW, there is no obligation to build a park, except for the FOR PAY theme park that you might get a local discount off the $64 admission price.

Think Dan.

The issue to be voted on is…..
Do you love that Theme Park, or would you rather have a waterfront park, $135m and more.

Dan either loves theme parks, doesn’t love public parks, or really has no clue about anything.

Elementary Dear Watson
10 hours ago

15 acres is about the right size for a park here. Especially with the water access and incredible views to the Downtown Miami Skyline.

Due west, is a massive park, Mo Frere Park, Bayfront Park, etc. LOTS OF PARKS, and unless properly activated and near housing, they go largely empty.

9 hours ago

True, I don’t think housing on Watson Island would be ideal tho.

8 hours ago

there is no shortage of poor housing demand

8 hours ago

…and you expect this to be affordable housing with 360-degree bay views?

Pricylla mi nilla
6 hours ago

The plan calls for $15m to be allocated for affordable housing somewhere else.
Why not?

Elementary Dear Watson
10 hours ago

Of course it should not.

Parks COST money.

Homes MAKE money, and pay millions for schools, and provide housing for people to raise families, or live, or, etc. etc.

13 hours ago

Love It!

13 hours ago

I hate it

13 hours ago

Absolutely no!!!

13 hours ago

Don’t worry! They been proposing stuff for Watson Island for decades and nothing ever gets done.

Elementary Dear Watson
10 hours ago

Because of the dopes that think eliminating revenue generating real estate and replacing it with resource sucking ideas.
They are getting their T-shirts printed already.

13 hours ago

Can someone explain the opposition? Right now this island is mostly parking lots / barren land. This looks like a beautiful proposal with a really nice public park – why are people opposed…?

11 hours ago

Because that land should become a park and serve the entire city, It shouldn’t be sold to a private developer for the building of highrises.

Elementary Dear Watson
10 hours ago

Let me entertain this idea….

So, instead of:
a 13 acre park AND
$135,000,000 payment to to the City to use it as they please, AND
$15,000,000 toward Affordable Housing , AND
1,000’s of direct and indirect jobs in construction, architecture, engineering, design, sales, legal, etc etc, AND
ANNUAL Property Tax Revenue (40% of which goes to MiamiDade Public Schools), AND
at ZERO cost to the taxpayer.

A very large park.

No $135M. No $15M housing. No Annual Revenue. No jobs. No competent landscape architects. No bay walk.

Who is going to PAY to make that dirt look nice?
Who is going to operate the park each year?
Who is going to PAY to operate the park each year?
Who is going to keep all those acres safe?
Who is going to PAY to keep all those acres safe?

9 hours ago

The only land being developed in this proposal is currently a parking garage. The rest of it remains public park – along with a $15 million donation to housing and infrastructure.

So I’m really not understanding the opposition still…

Elementary Dear Watson
9 hours ago

I just noticed that too…
The current plan of Theme Park, Hotel, Parking Garage is not great for the public.

Check out that website. The way the towers are placed and the waterfront park is featured is terrific.

The City of Miami can put that $135m in some bonds paying 5% per year, and there will be $6.75M per year, every year, to sweep the sidewalks and water the plants!!

8 hours ago

That existing mess is what we never wanted. HUGE MISTAKE when parrot jungle was granted this mess.

Elementary Dear Watson
10 hours ago

Nope. They can’t.
Not intelligently.

Elementary Dear Watson
10 hours ago

You like it just the way that is has been for the last 35 years……
Of course.

8 hours ago

It has only ONLY been like this for the last 15 years……. so get with it.

13 hours ago

It’ll never look like this!

13 hours ago

everyone happy….

13 hours ago

Just the developer will be happy…

Shawn Kouri
13 hours ago

So originally back in 2018, voters approved plan for a 300 room hotel with adventure Park and a waterpark. Now they want to change the plans and convert most parts of jungle Island into a public park complete with a condo tower or two? Does this mean the hotel is no longer happening?

8 hours ago

Voters were led by developers (like now with Casinos) to rape the landscape. This is a perfect example of how a perfect virgin land was destroyed by developers- who failed and now are leaving!.

8 hours ago

😂 adventure park? What is that

7 hours ago

Watching parrots talk and sing …

Truth Matters
13 hours ago

Another generation goes by with nothing but plans and fruitless drawings.

Cover the Podiums
13 hours ago

Tall towers don’t belong in the bay. They look so out of place. Just another piggy bank in the sky for some foreign investors

12 hours ago

Have you seen the city of Miami? It is literally all towers on Biscayne Bay…

13 hours ago

Another poor deal by city of Miami. At minimum they should require the developer to pay the cost to build a metromover station at the park.

Also, parking has to be free at least if you are a City of Miami resident because saying its free isnt true if i gotta pay to park there.

13 hours ago

why tf do they have to shut down Joia Beach???

11 hours ago

The food is mediocre at best. Location is spot on, but that’s all it has going for itself.

11 hours ago

It would be sad if they would close Joia, its a very unique setting for a restaurant in Miami

8 hours ago

WTF does JOIA have to do with this thread?

4 hours ago

Because the bathroom is 1/2 mile away from the seating

12 hours ago

Return the part to the city, or other public benefits?

The question mark already implying that they won’t do the benefits part and hope to let it slide.

12 hours ago

I voted NO! This is a terrible idea.

Witnessing another scam
12 hours ago

Give developer land zoned park, and in return the developer will give it back to the city as park. What am I missing?

Elementary Dear Watson
10 hours ago

The proposal eliminates a Hotel/Theme park in favor of a park for citizens, and maybe 3 or 4 acres will be for homes.

This is such a no brainer.

8 hours ago

Tear down the existing mistake that MiamiDade made 15 years ago.
Turn it into a perfect park. I am sure that those owners of Parrot Jungle et al did not make a profit as this was a mess of an idea. Voters ( YOU AND ME ) made a HUGE mistake to give this land to silly ass private people behind Jungle Island.

7 hours ago

You’re missing that they’re building condos IN THE PARK and getting the land for pennies on the dollar.

It’s unbelievably cheeky.

I’ll definitely be voting No on this, hopefully everyone will see through what this really is.

Pricylla mi nilla
6 hours ago

One hundred and fifty million is “pennies on the dollar”??

Caucasian, puhleeeeease…..

12 hours ago

With a Metromover stop between downtown and south beach, this island could be a large Park like Miami’s Central Park equivalent.

11 hours ago


8 hours ago

Yes… a tranquil park dwarf by a giant flyover for a tin can shorbus/unsheltered individual moving Porta Potty.

7 hours ago

Another large park facing the largest public park in downtown Miami. …

12 hours ago

Riddle me this, riddle me that
Why are the public benefits always done last?

11 hours ago

Most of the proposed ‘park’ resembles a giant weed patch.

11 hours ago

Whatever makes the most profit will happen, always follow the money.

Elementary Dear Watson
9 hours ago

Over time, the Theme Park and the Hotel would make more money if the project is left as it is today.

Building condominiums will yield the developer profit (not the most) in the first 4 years (if they do it right), and then any land appreciation (profit) goes to the individual people who buy the condominiums.

If the homes proposal is passed (eliminating the Theme Park/Hotel), it won’t be the most profit, but it will be the best use.

10 hours ago

The winner here would be the developer as jungle island is not making the profit, so try to reinvent themselves.

9 hours ago

Stop selling our parks!! The referendum is giving away park space to developers. Only in Miami!!

9 hours ago

It’s not…the park will remain 13 acres. The current parking garage will be redeveloped into two towers. The comments here are baffling….

7 hours ago

It’s all park!! I agree it needs to be redesigned. Stop trying to monetize our green spaces.

Pricylla mi nilla
6 hours ago

Are you seriously unaware of the plan is currently in place?
If not, get educated.

The existing plan is a Theme Park, Hotel, and parking. There is not waterfront walk (Unless you pay), there is no public access.

The plan calls for a $135,000,000 payment to the city.

Perhaps that should be invested into the Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can’t Read Good.

Elementary Dear Watson
9 hours ago

The two residential towers seem to take up less than 40% of the Theme Parks footprint, and ZERO percent of the waterfront.

Terra is great….they seem to be aware of the opportunity to dedicate 100% of the waterfront to the public. Smart.

8 hours ago

Remember how watered down Island Gardens became before it went to pasture? Pepperidge Farm remembers….

8 hours ago

Different developer

david k
8 hours ago

Say no to any project that allows affordable housing. We need to keep these people away from our cities.

7 hours ago

It will not be like this. I say NO to it.
This is just another scheme to get their hands on prime land and we are left with half the promise, of that. Look at maurice ferré park, under deck park, worldcenter, etc

7 hours ago

Hard No. The developers are trying to steal this property.

If Ken Griffin paid almost $400m for the land next to Jade on Brickell, this property is easily worth much, much more than $150m.

In exchange, they build a “public” park that really benefits who? The residents of the new condo towers?

Give me a break, I don’t see a huge parking lot where residents can park their cars to enjoy this “park”.

Maybe a handful of people will risk life and limb to walk from downtown over the MacArthur causeway to go on foot, but let’s be real…. This is park is to make the condo’s more attractive and benefit the developer.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for development, but this is borderline theft of public land.

Oh, and I’m sure the $15m for “affordable housing” will be just enough cash for the city to spend on renovating some 20 unit apartment building in Overtown.

Anyone who votes yes on this needs to have their head examined.

Look at the empty lot in North Beach
6 hours ago

Let them do it and build something beautiful that we can all use. Otherwise, it just sits underutilized for years which turn into decades and nothing gets done. Give all this land to developers who can build world class venues that we can all enjoy. Look at marine stadium? what benefit have I gained from that derilict structure these past decades? I think I could have enjoyed visiting a renovated stadium with amenities if we had allowed developers to use their imagination and FUNDS to build something. Who gains from the empty lot on Collins in North beach? They didn’t allow the developer build what would be profitable to them but also bring in tax revenue, build a world class hotel, and spruce up the area. Instead we get to look at an empty lot with no economic engine to drive the neighborhood.

Bob Art Guy
6 hours ago

Great. !!! Why can’t we get architecture this good on Brickell?

Bob brickell
6 hours ago

Voted no. Plenty of other land that can be used for condos.

Chairman of everyone
2 hours ago

I am delighted by the design. It would signal Miami’s “new era”