South Miami Moves Forward With $309M Transit Oriented Development

South Miami commissioners voted Tuesday to move forward with a redevelopment at its City Hall property.

The development will be transit oriented, according to a presentation to commissioners. It is a short distance from a Metrorail station.

There will be two phases to the $309m development. Combined it will have:

  • 70,000 square feet of civic space (6-story building with city hall, police, and library uses)
  • 670 high-end apartment (two 15-story buildings)
  • Approximately 28,000 square feet of active retail venues, including food and beverage outlets and fitness center
  • 910 parking spaces

13th Floor is the developer.

To see the full proposal, click here (pdf).


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8 hours ago

South Miami is booming

7 hours ago

Just a couple of blocks down Sunset from the Sunset Place redevelopment. Quite a change for South Miami.

5 hours ago

I love what is happening in South Miami! Now, we need to get the Sunset Place project approved, which is so needed. 18 years ago, when I first moved to Miami and lived in Coconut Grove, my family and I spent a lot of leisure time in Sunset Place. It is very sad to see what it has become since. Build, baby, build!

2 hours ago

Too bad CocoWalk didn’t get the same kind of redevelopment proposal, instead getting the boorish redo today.

5 hours ago

There seems to be a historic component to this project – can we get some information / coverage on that….?

2 hours ago

As per the proposal: “Originally known as “The Community House,” the Sylva Martin Building is a one-story Masonry Vernacular structure located in the heart of South Miami. According to city historians, South Miami’s City Council passed ordinance dedicating land to a community center, early in 1935.” They plan on preserving and renovating into a restaurant.

2 hours ago

It’s the old community center built in 1936.

Lorenzo Medici
4 hours ago

After this development and the Sunset Place projects are built , the next step should be a Skybridge between the South Miami metro station to the Sunset place. That will be the icing on the cake.

2 hours ago

All good, except the facade of the portion below the pool. What a mess…

1 hour ago

Looks great. Hopefully their acceptance of this redevelopment extends to the proposed Sunset Place redevelopment. Every rail station in our metro needs more adjacent housing.