609 Brickell Set For Hearing Before Historic Preservation Board

A hearing on the 609 Brickell property is scheduled for Miami’s Historic and Environmental Preservation Board on July 2.

The First Presbyterian Church and developer 13th Floor Key Church, LLC are requesting an an amendment to the historic designation report for the property.

An iconic, 80-story tower is being planned on the property.

A staff report notes that the site “may be likely to yield information important in prehistory or history.”

To read the full application and staff report, click here.



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5 days ago

Love this design! So cool 😎 hope the church stays but there’s plenty of room for both, history and innovation,

5 days ago

The church is staying. It’s designated as a historic building. It’s all about what Indian artifacts are lurking under the parking lot.

5 days ago

Half the Church will remain. The other half will be demolished and replaced by the Lord’s phallus.

5 days ago

Let’s get this built before the NIMBYs can take advantage of unearthed shark teeth and pottery shards.

5 days ago

Not to mention that rag known as The Miami Herald who cried about the loss of food trucks. Never mind the fact their former headquarters’ failed historic designation was a ruse to stop Genting, and had no historic significance anyway.

5 days ago

Right – wouldn’t want people advocating for absurd things like public space and parks

4 days ago

Exactly. When there are already a number of unused parks in the area and more coming soon. I’m fed up with the incessant complaints from the entitled.

Brickell bay resident
3 hours ago

Where are these Brickell parks you speak of?? Literally every tiny green space is being built up. Even the minuscule Allen Morris Park isn’t safe from development.

NIMBYs in Brickell?
2 days ago

There are NIMBYs in Brickell? I don’t this so…that’s the wrong use of the acronym.

5 days ago

Funky looking building.

5 days ago

Is the current parking lot important for history or pre-history? because that’s what’s there now….

4 days ago


5 days ago

The Penis building is back ?!

Nugenix Total T building
5 days ago

By the way guys, she’ll like it, too.

3 days ago

Hope the church stays!

Bob Art Guy
3 days ago

OH God. Terrible and Tacky. There was a previous comment that said it looks like design from the year 2000. I agree.

5 days ago

The rendering looks kind of early 00s and fake.

5 days ago

Now they’re messing with the Tequesta AND Jesus? It’s over for the developers

5 days ago

You mean back when actual “iconic” buildings were proposed, and not stacked boxes and undulating balconies?

5 days ago

If the HEPB approved the sodomization of the Walport Apartments for Wynwood Bay and the CS church for 1836 Biscayne Boulevard, there’s no reason why they should deny this magnificent tower.

Rodney M.
4 days ago

The design looks very tacky. This site deserves a more elegant building.

4 days ago

churches are drying up. Build something useful or repurpose the building for outreach programs.