641 Foot Tower Approved By FAA For Edgewater

The Federal Aviation Administration has given approval for the height of a new tower planned to rise in Edgewater.

According to the August 19 FAA determination letter, the new tower is permitted to rise 637 feet above ground, or 641 feet above sea level.

The letter was sent to Meridian TC Real Estate Group LLC.

Edge House Miami, a condo building allowing short term rentals is planned on the property.

Edge House Miami is planned to rise 57 stories, with a design by architect Kobi Karp.

Peru’s Grupo T&C is the developer.




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24 days ago

It’s gonna be a lot closer to other towers than it looks in the renderings.

Edward Thompson
22 days ago

Unfortunately yes… only a narrow alley separates it from Quantum and 1800

22 days ago

This building looks a hundred times better than the horrendous Mercedes Benz tower in West Brickell

18 days ago

2024 Miami where towers are a street away…. get use to it.

24 days ago

A much-needed and welcome addition to this part of Edgewater.

24 days ago

Not really 👎🏼

15 days ago

Much needed? Welcome?

Edgewater Resident
24 days ago

Short term rental buildings should be mandated to have more staff. If they want to treat it like a hotel they should maintain it like a hotel.

24 days ago

Do you know how much “staff” they have?

Condominiums without length of stay requirements usually have more staff, and higher fees.

Edgewater Resident
24 days ago

enlightenment me

20 days ago

Private property owners, should have the right to own private property.

In my experience owning in a property without restriction, I chose not to rent my investment property for less than 1 year at time. However, the freedom and liberty was offered for me to lease without restriction.
However, IF I chose to rent my apartment for less than 30 days, our condo association required extraordinary screening, it required a very large application fee for EVERY guest, and required that I keep Insurance indemnifying the building.

When individuals CHOOSE to buy into a condominium building without Gov’t RESTRICTIONS on the length of stay for the Property Owners, or their renters, they typically manage their buildings accordingly.

With the very large application fees, the Condo Management Company hired extra staff, and made some Resident Only areas separated for Owners who chose to live as a primary resident.

Edgewater Resident
19 days ago

What are you going on about? No one is saying people should not have the right to own private property.

I’m saying these short term rentals should have enough staff to keep the guests under control so you don’t have the police called every day like a specific building in Edgewater did not too long ago before they changed from daily rentals to 30 days.

Learn to comprehend writing and the concerns of an actual homeowner who lives in the neighborhood.

24 days ago

It’s 2024 and we’re still allowing these ugly podiums instead of requiring them to be lined with units 🤦‍♂️

24 days ago

Parking minimums / site constraints

Cover the Podiums
24 days ago

yep. Zero regard for architecture or street presence

24 days ago

zero regard for urbanist movement to cut carbon emissions. Name every country and they are all building on that. Not the USA

24 days ago

China. India.

24 days ago

China has built thousands of miles of subway and bullet trains and
India is on steroids building subway lines in Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Chennai

24 days ago

China has opened more new Coal fired electric plants in the last 3 years than any other country on he planet.


24 days ago

China builds a non-clean coal power plant every week and India’s streets make San Francisco look like Tokyo. Have you seen a traffic jam in Beijing? Also, both countries are exempt from every “green” accord i.e., they get to pollute more while places with more stringent environmental regulations like the U.S., Western Europe, Japan, and Australia lose from an economic standpoint.

24 days ago

Yes, India, China, and every developing country on planet earth.

19 days ago

whats so bad about the podiums? lol Everyone seems to hate them is so funny

Cover the podiums
24 days ago

Another tower completely ruined by a lifeless 100ft wall. The only thing people will see from a street level

24 days ago

The interiors are beautiful but the architecture is pretty lackluster

23 days ago

Kobi is the newest Arquitectonica, it seems.

23 days ago

A 641 ft short term rental building? Will be an absolute disaster. There are thousands and thousands of STR units coming on line. There will simply not be the demand. Expect a lot of Opera buildings

24 days ago

Can somebody put stop to these same looking boxes?!?!

24 days ago

The UDRB when they do their job, planners to stop recommending approval of waivers from Miami21, and city commission to stop approving.

18 days ago

This is why developers LUV Arquitectonica decorated rectangle boxes…. and now Kobi is right behind to pick up the busy developer Arquuuuuu slack due to they are too busy with Related et al.

24 days ago

Better looking than the proposal to the southwest along Biscayne Boulevard.

24 days ago

Great, another airbnb building. Perfect addition to the neighborhood.